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Libro de Inglés 1 de secundaria (contestado)

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Libro de Inglés 1 de secundaria CONTESTADO

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Module 1: Family and Community – Page 11


  • You must have a plan.
  • You must not forget important documents.
  • You have to prepare a fire survival kit.
  • It has to include blankets and important documents.


  • You should store your family’s numbers in your cellphone and memorize them.


  • a.2 b.3 c.1


  • He thinks someone might be inside.


  • He believes his dog is missing and could be hurt somewhere.


  • He might be worried.


  • Because he sounds nervous.


  • Do you know


  • a. Hello b. Can I c. I’d like d. You need to bring e. Thank you again!


  • a. False b. True c. False d. True e. False


  • a. our collections b. Computer c. Free d. talks e. Saturday f. 7


  • b b a b b

More Polite:

  • b b a b b

Natural Disasters:

  • earthquake, volcanic eruption, hurricane, flood

Man-made Disasters:

  • car accident, house fire.


  • c


  • a. must/and b. have to/because c. should

Module 2: Academic and Educational – Page 27


  • a. S b. S c. P d. P


  • a. 5 b. 3 c. 2 d. 4 e. 1


  • a. noun b. there are no subentries for set as a noun c. Rocío encontró un juego de llaves en la sala d. verb e. there are four: set as poner, set as dejar algo aparte, set as hacer estallar algo, and set as dejar listo algo f. Dejé listo mi equipaje anoche g. adjective h. there are no subentries of set as an adjective i. El gimnasio está todo listo para la fiesta de graduación


  • a. imperative b. don’t have c. don’t

Module 4: Family and Community – Page 59

Answers – To Agree:

  • a. Okay, okay, you win. b. I agree. c. Yes, definitely.

To Disagree:

  • a. I’m not sure Mom. b. Not at all.


  • b


  • a. What about going to Cozumel? b. Shall we look at a travel guide book? c. Let’s go to Uxmal. d. Shall we travel by bus? e. Why don’t you find out more about that destination?


  1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a


  • b. Don’t you agree? c. What about…? d. That’s quite a good idea e. What do you say?


  • a. lake b. only c. definitely d. please, please


  • different emotions and create an impact

Module 5: Family and Community – Page 75


  • a. 1 b. 4 c. 3 d. 2


  • a. distracted b. nervous c. beautiful d. friends


  • a. actor b. actress c. actress d. actress


  • a. quietly b. confidently c. nervously


  • a. two main characters b. man and a woman at a party c.irlce

a. False b. True c. True d. False e. False

Module 6: Recreational and Literary – Page 91


  • b. Arthur, a young man trained by Merlin, became the king of England by pulling out the magic sword from the stone. c. He created a round table and ruled against his enemies. d. Lancelot and Guinevere, the queen betrayed Arthur and Mordred crowns himself king. Arthur and Mordred kill each other.


  • a, d, e, f, h


  • a. lived b. taught c. died d. started e. made f. realized g. became h. were

Correct Order:

  • 2, 3, 1


  • a. True b. False c. False d. True e. True


  • a. USA, the UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand b. No, it isn’t


  • a. knight b. sword c. joust d. stone e. round table


  • a. 3 b. 5 c. 1 d. 2 e. 4

Module 7: Recreational and Literary – Page 107


  • a. Most words have a combination of two letters that is not common in Spanish. For example: shock, will, something, now, totally, when, blank, happens, fellow, book, ready, mission, reports, wondered.


  • a. One day b. And then c. Until then


  • Text1: False, false Text2: True, true Text3: False, false


  • Mom and day are busy as usual, and my brother is in Canada with my cousins. I’m still home. School is over now. I’m happy with the results of my test.


  • Did I tell you that I got an A in English? I studied really hard for the last test. I didn’t get an A in Math. Andrew opened the door. There was a long corridor and a dim light at the bottom. Andrew walked to the bottom and saw a small table with an envelope next to a door. Someone was expecting Andrew to get there as the envelope had his name on it. He didn’t know anyone there. How did they know his name? The envelope had a key.


  • It’ll be dry and mostly sunny. Summer camp will start next week! I think it’ll be great. I’ll make new friends, and I’ll have lots of fun. It’s going to be interesting to see which courses they’ll offer this time. There’s going to be some bird-watching walks. You are not going to be there. You’ll be very busy this week. Andrew will open the door. Andrew won’t open the door.


  • They think Daniel will go back to school and see his friends.


  • I’m going to explain why I had to leave school. Do you think I’ll believe you? I’m going to tell you the truth.


  • a. The comic is about the consequences of global warming b. The purpose of the comic is to be aware of the consequences of global warming c. The comic is for the public in general


  • a. 3 b. 2 c. 1


  • a. 2 b. 3 c. 1

Module 8: Recreational and Literary – Page 123


  • a. It is about two dogs. One of them asks the other a question, but the other says that he can’t answer because dogs can’t read.


  • a. True b. False c. False d. True e. True


  • a. 2 b. 3 c. 5 d. 1 e. 4


  • a, c, d, e


  • a. sound effects b. superhero c. comic books d. villain


  • Super Sentinel doesn’t want to use his power of omniscience because last time he used it, he saw something very sad.

Expressions to Ask Opinions:

  • What do you think about…? I’d love to know your opinion. What about you? What’s your opinion about that?

Expressions to Give Opinions:

  • I think. I think that… In my opinion… What I mean is that… I disagree. I believe… I agree with that.


  • a. I don’t like b. I prefer c. I disagreed. d. For example e. I agree

Module 9: Academic and Educational – Page 139


  • The food is pushed by the esophagus through a series of muscular contractions. Digestion starts here, breaking down the food and liquid and mixing them with digestive juices. Finally, indigestible food is released and taken through the rest of the intestines to be eliminated.


  • a. parietal b. frontal c. temporal d. spinal cord e. occipital


  • a, b, d, e, g


  • a. 2 b. 2 c. 2

Short Adjectives:

  • a. bigger than b. the closest c. faster than d. the fastest e. larger than f. the largest g. lighter than h. the slowest i. the smallest j. the tallest

Long Adjectives:

  • a. the most complex b. more flexible than c. the most frequent d. the most important e. the most common

Irregular Adjectives:

  • a. better than


  • a. brain b. spinal cord c. right lung d. nose e. left lung


  • a. the right lung b. children and women c. the brain d. women


  • Countable nouns: neurons, bones, cells, muscles, platelets. Uncountable nouns: blood, plasma


  • a. Mouth b. Esophagus c. Rectum d. Stomach e. Small intestine f. Large intestine

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